Easily the best rally game out there. I chose this over Forza Motorsport but DiRT is more of an arcade game.
The best in a racing game yet. Check out the first Japan stage! I actually parked my car and tried to get out, walk down the pier and take a closer look at that windsurfer. Wow. Too much use of HDR lighting though.
I like the overall energy and sound of the electronic title track but the rest of the music is a hotch potch of bland rock'n'roll. Sound effects are average and surround sound is not up to par as it is completely underused.
Variety is great with everything from timed races, off roading, rally cross, etc. The sensation of driving at high speeds and being in control of the vehicle is amazing. Each car truly drives differently. The way difficulty levels are setup means you're never stuck but still have incentive to continue if you find it too easy at lower levels.
You usually know if a racing game is for you after about 15 minutes of play. Forza Motorsport was definitely too boring for me but DiRT is the bee's knee. I instantly felt at home, and this will be my game of choice for the next period of time.
Easily the best rally game out there. Better than Rallisport and the best in the Colin McRae series, albeit DiRT is more of an arcade racer.