It looked promissing, but it turned out to be just another dissapointement like all the games since CM 2.0.

User Rating: 4.5 | DiRT PC
I don't know why I had so many expectations about this game. Maybe I still had hope that the Colin Mcrae series would return to it's former glory seen in Colin Mcrae 2.0. Graphically stunning, yes, but c'mon, the driving is pathetic, specially when you drive a rally car. It doesn't even feel like your on the seat of a car. I know games from far back has 2000 who would woop Dirt at many levels that, I feel, are sometimes more important than graphics. On top of that, the sound effects are unbelieably terrible. Man, some of the cars present on the game sound more like my grandmother's than anything else. It's just amazing like these things are not even noticed before that game is sent out.

Aside from this, I have to say the game as some credit due to the great variety of vehicles and it's graphical presentation, but that alone is not enougth. Veteran players like me, surelly will share my disapointment.