Already made a space for it in the closet
The menus are unlike any other game I've seen and I'm sure the graphics are truly impressive if you own a three thousand dollar PC.
The deal breaker, the reason for throwing this in the closet is the ridiculously sensitive steering. Breathing on the keyboard to turn the car is enough to send it into a wild spin. There seems to be a minimum amount of turn that is required regardless of how long or short the turning keys are held. This makes for impossible attempts to actually go in a straight line after the first turn has been made. Think "ball bearings on an ice rink."
Overall, this is not the most enjoyable racing game I've played, but it has potential. Collin McRae Rally 04 on the XBox was very well executed, so if you have an XBox, perhaps getting this game on that platform would be a better decision. For now, steer clear of the PC version. Hehe, get it? "Steer" clear...
Yeah, like that's possible with this game...