As a big supporter of this game, i've even been called a fanboy, i must say this game shouldn't have been released.
I value the multiplayer option of a TBS game greatly and D3 is completely disapponting in this area. There are 5-10 multiplayer maps depending on the version you've bought, there is no random map generator, no map editor. Not to mention there is only hotseat option available for multiplayer.
So since multiplayer is out of the question you're thinking "whatever i'll just play vs AI" Well good luck with that. The AI is very poorly coded has 0 skill in combat, it just attacks the closest enemy with all of it's troops. Not much better in the adventure map either. It can't judge the strength of it's army and can't calculate it's chances of winning. I'm guessing the "AI" is a total of 20-30 lines of code. To compensate for this the AI generates high level troops and heroes for itself at the beggining of any game, if you manage to beat it's initial army then it has nothing.
So since the multiplayer and skirmish is out the window you're saying "well i'll just enjoy the campaign then. Let me enlighten you. Campaign story is interesting overall but there are major flaws to it. First of all the campaign goes like this 10 lines of story development followed by a 6 hour map which adds nothing to the story. You just walk around the map and kill everything you find. After 6 hours you lose all your army, story progresses 10 more lines and another 6 hours of mindless killing. They basically flooded the map with mobs so you will have to spend 70 hours to finish the campaign.
Voice acting
Entire english voice acting of the game is terrible. Worst of them being the narrator. I suggest turn off the narator and the unit talks if you want to enjoy the game. Or download the russian voice files.
As a HoMM player i found the combat too simple, most of the after a couple of moves there is nothing you can do tactically to change the course of the fight so you end up using auto combat all the time.
There are possibly close to a 100 bugs in this game atm and i'm not talking about typos or graphical bugs, all of them are game mechanics bugs. They are too many to mention here but i suggest you visit the official forums of the game and check the 20+ pages bug thread if you're considering to buy this game.
So if this game is so horrible then why did you play it for 70 hours you may ask. Answer is the artwork and the music. They are stunning and you can't believe they came with such a mediocre game. They manage to suck you into a magical world despite all the bugs, stupid ai and the poorly designed campaign.
Final Word
I suggest you download the artwork and the music and use them as enhancers for the Disciples books. If you're determined to buy this wait till they release the 2 expansions first. It's not worth 40$ as it is.