My opinion

User Rating: 8.9 | Makai Senki Disgaea 2 PS2
This game is great if you don't buy it I will punch you in the face. If you like the original then you will love this game. I have nothing else to type so here come randomness hfnoilkj bvniwlsjnb gvoe;lfdkngv oie lkfudngbvi klfngirek jnfrgir eb ngirengire giregikr egi reeng eprigneporgj pojgrf rf rfgf gf gd g wh w df h dh he ht ht j trj tj trj rtj trjtrj rtj gh hg fd s aq w e r y i o l k j h g f f d sa sd f g j kl ; ,m n b v c x z s e r t y yu u uu u u uj uuj