Dishonorably Bland.
Game Play - Limited. there really wasn't much variety in the way you could take down enemies or fight them in combat. It has a similar system to Bioshock but the fighting was bland. Even sneaking and evasion wasn't good compared to games such as Thief or Splinter Cell. Felt it could have been more.
Visuals - Artistic Realism. I found the visuals interesting as it brought out characters in a different light with this cartoon style. I feel if it used realistic visuals, though, it could have brought out a stronger atmosphere for the characters to develop in. Overall good.
Story - *Insert Predictable Fall from Grace to Revenge Plot* The story was grade A boring. I was shocked at how generic it was and the different outcomes of the end were not as good as they should have been. Didn't want to play another time around. The missions were all identical besides one good mission that involves you infiltrating a party.
Sound - Good. Very nice soundtrack that fits the mood of the story. Best part of the game.
Overall this is a average game at best. Too short for the 60 dollar price tag.