Its like a Bioshock and Assassins Creed hybrid which work well together but the game still has some issues that break it
- I really liked the art design of the game almost like a Steam Punk theme.
- The voice acting was really great.
- The killing animations where pretty cool.
- For a stealth style game the game play never really slowed down.
- Solid and easy to use controls system.
- It becomes repetitive real fast.
- Really short campaign and the story was kinda uninteresting and boring.
- Not enough variety of weapons to choose from.
- The Power Ups where not really used well in the game, I finished the game with out ever really using them.
- You lose health really fast and finding medicine is a pain the butt.
- Finding the runes feels like a wast of time.
- Not enough side missions.
- Such a huge city but you never really get to explore it or see much of it you spent most of your time in the same areas.
- All the enemies look alike and the enemy ai is always the same.
- Some of the trophies are not even worth getting you really need to go out of your way to get most of them.
- Finally there is no real replay value to the game.
- You can get motion sickness from the game.
If you can just rent it or wait for the price to drop because in my opinion its not worth the 60 bucks for a very short game, That has no replay value to it.