one of the best stealth games ever made?

User Rating: 8.5 | Dishonored PC
At first i thought this game would disappoint me as it looked like biosock,which i personally didnt like much.But after putting some hours into it i realized how good it is.Not only its a great stealth game,meaning that while playing in highest difficulty,stealth seems to be the only option if you dont like dying many times meaning that difficulty is pretty balanced but because it has a very intriguing story(rat plague, and metaphysical compined with conspiracies and vengeance),incredible gameplay,and also provides many options both from RPG aspect and from the story.(you can decide for example if you want to let someone alive or not).Sound is also great,dialogues interesting and voice casting good enough.Graphics are the -1 i put in this game,they arent bad,but in some cases too cartoonish and i think that better graphics are more suitable to this dark and mysterious concept.The -0.5 derives from the fact,that i think game needed a slightly bigger map and because some notes or books use very formal dictionary meaning that a person like me, whose english arent mother tongue, will find hard to comprehend.
Overally a great experience that i believe any stealth-FPS/RPG lover will greatly appreciate.Thanks arkane studios and bethesda for releasing another great game and not horrible console port as most of the companies nowadays do.