A lot of good rolled into one...
Now while RAGE was a steaming pile of doggy droppings, Dishonored seems to be doing it right and so far in my limited time in I can say that this is going to be fun!
The graphics are smooth and have a lot of depth despite a dreary backdrop. So far the voice acting and interactions with friendlies is very well done. The sound and game ambiance definitely leans heavily on the side of tension...keeping you on your toes around each and every corner no matter what your style of play might be.
On that point...style of play the amount of freedom is tremendously...kill or don't...and if* you do...let me count the ways! Somewhere I read a comparison of Dishonored to a combo of Thief and Bio-shock...that is SPOT on. It has all the stealthy, tension that Thief had in its early levels and all the toys literally at your finger tips that Bio-shock had.
I will edit this review and give more as I continue to progress through the game. But if this is a game you are 50/50 on I would say get off the proverbial fence post and go grab it.