The most dissapointing thing is the fighting except for dueling. It follows the Prince of Persia puzzle format. Fun game

User Rating: 7 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End X360
This can be a fun game. Once you get the hang ouf it it get's better. The most dissapointing thing about it, is the fighting. Accept for dueling, that's the best part of the game. It's a decent adventure game, although the storyline is pretty dumb. They leave off during the 2nd movie and you follow almost nowhere near the movie plotline. But the tasks are ok. This is a Prince of Persia type game. It has puzzles and also how you climb ledges and dash against walls, that sort of thing that reminds you of prince of persia. At times you can be stuck on one thing and you have to use your brian to get past it. The fighting has it's good sides and downsides. You only do the same thing over and over, to kiss one person. But when you throw them, or dodge them, or use finishig moves it's fun. But also the swordsmanship meter is hard to fill up, which is dissapointing. But this game overall is worth renting not buying.