Why is the button masher gone...my arms hurt.

User Rating: 5.3 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End WII
Another movie video game, but were you really expecting one to finally be good?

PotC AWE is visually horrid, the voice acting is only rescued because Johnny Depp saves the day again, and you are constantly bombarded with so many enemies, you become dead tired of flailing your arms with the wiimote and nunchuck and wish for ones you had a button masher.

All in all, if you desire to see this game in action either rent it, or go to a friends house who has it.

But now i can't submit this yet because it must be longer...the shadowing has a nice touch and the sound effects are decent, i think this game might get better if you think like Jack Sparrow and have some rum before playing. (i'm not condoning the use of liquor that was a joke. the internet doesn't show true sarcasm really well does it?)