A sweet looking game that seems to have no real following of the movie plot.

User Rating: 7.3 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End X360
So I was got this game as a gift from my wife. I liked the movies and my wife felt that it was a good buy at half the price.

I started it up and played the first few stages and one thing that was fairly prominent is that they only use the movie plotlines as a rough guide.

The combat controls are simple, the shoulder buttons for long distance. and two buttons to fight with and combo into moves, and if you just hit A a lot after building your meter, you get to perform a special finishing move.

The Dueling mode is a bit different, though a little simple. Good concept, maybe needs to be fleshed out a little more for it to be great.

The game seems to be fairly short, and the achievements quite easily attainable. If a gamerscore chaser can't get all the achievements within a week, there is something wrong with them.

It looks sweet and its not overly complicated, so I would pass it onto your younger siblings, nephews and nieces or children when you are finished with it.