At World's End is a wonderful game for fans of the movie but beyond that, gamers will only find a short simple adventure
Graphics: 10/10
The highest point of this game is the graphics. The graphics are sharp and lush, and set a wonderful mood for the world of Pirates, and stays true to the movies with its nature. The character animations and faces stay lively throughout the game, sometimes a little too much. However, the game developers probably intended this because they wanted to make good use of the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
Gameplay: 5/10
Now, this is where the game takes a turn for the worst. The gameplay of At World's End is very very simple. The combat, which is the most important element, only features the use of 3 buttons: slash, punch, and grab. On occasion, the slash becomes kick for those timely barfights or street wars with the British, but most of the time, you will be hitting slash, slash, punch, and (later in the game) slash once more to do away with your enemies quickly. after a while you gain the ability to preform a finishing move, which is done simply by holding RT and pressing A,B,X, or Y. All very simple moves. No, there is no ship battles and mine cart rides. There is the collection of 7 items each level, but even that is somewhat simple since you just look in every nook and cranny of the level to find them...which doesn't take long at all...and all of this is as boring as it sounds most of the time.
Sound: 8/10
The music of this game is actually pretty good and benefits the setting greatly. The game has its own remixes of the movie score, but thats a good thing since it gives the game more of a feel of the game than ever. The Sound FX of the game are actually nice to hear, with the item collection noise being very piratey. However, most games like this suffer from voice acting, which this almost got out of the suffering. Sure most of the game sounds great, but thats because they hardly say anything in the game! Jack is very quiet most of the game, with only the few sentences when needed. Unusual since he is the one people mostly want to hear from.
Valve: 6/10
For film fans: This game is worth it. playing as Jack sparrow and all of the other memorable characters from the films is joy, and will keep fans hooked until the end of the game. The graphics and sounds really make this game a sight to see for fans.
For Gamers: Not really worth it. The gameplay is mind-boggling easy and the story is very goofy and if you didn't watch the films, you might get a little lost on whats going on in the game. The game will end up just being a short hack and slash adventure that you won't travel back to at all...
For Achievement lovers: o yea, rent this one. The achievements are very easy to obtain in a 5 day rental period, but make sure you search the net for tips on getting the 100 souls achievement before renting it so your prepared ahead of time.
Tilt: 8/10
being a fan of the films, I definitely enjoyed this movie game. The sotryline of the game was very messed up(Jack meets calypso in Port Royal?), which made for some weird moments in the game. However, when all was said and done, the game was pretty amazing to me, and it looked absolutely gorgeous in 720p HD.
Overall: 7.1/10.0
At World's is worth it on the 360 for fans of the film only. Other gamers are better off waiting for Dynasty Warriors: Gundam or picking up Samurai Warriors 2 for their hack and slash needs...