"The gameplay gets really boring after the 3rd mission"

User Rating: 5.4 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End PSP
Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End gets boring after the 3rd for its always repetetive hack and slash gameplay.

Gameplay- Theres not much to it really, like your ordinary hack and slash game, but with the twist of 'Pirates'. Besides your sword as a weapon, youve got granades, daggers, a pistol, and a chicken wich will give you health. You can pick up these up when youve killed an enemy. The bosses in the game are entertaining as they provide a small challenge, too bad there too short. Graphics- Decent looking graphics, that could have been slightly better. Story- The game has 12 missions, that cover from 'Dead Mans Chest' and of course 'At Worlds End', some of the missions take some time, but after a while it gets boring. Sound- The best thing in the entire game, the sound of sword clinking and pistol shots are always quite fun to hear. The music is taken from the movies of course. Value- If your a really big fan of the movies and must have this game, then I suggest that you get it, but if you arent, then dont, because it aint worth it.