Treasure Hunting. Need i say More.
User Rating: 7 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End X360
At Worlds End is an Easy but a very fun one. Unlike most Licensed Games, Pirates has Excellent Replay value and captures the Feel of its Film Counter-part. Based on the storylines of the second and third films. The campaign is short by most standards. You can complete it and all its Achievements in About 12 Hours. But the Best thing the game has to offer is the Treasure Hunting. On Each Level There are Seven Pieces of Various Items for you to Find and Collect. they are hidden in places both in the main path of the game and out side in Secret Areas. Each level also has a Jackism Chest. Jacksim is the Special ability "Captain" jack uses with his soul-collecting Special Sword. Each Chest and pair of Seven comes with thier own Achievemnents (25G) as well as Bonus content in the main menu. The Graphics of the game supprised me. Games based on Films usually have Mediocre graphics and a very basic design. this is not so with Pirates. The Graphics are Top Knotch and the Games Feel, as simple as it seems, is quit complex from its regular gameplay and its Special "Boss Battle" Machanics, and i must say the Boss Battles are very Well Done and Fun to play, even over again.