World's End is likely to receive many criticisms, World's End is surely a game you would like to play on PSP though!
World's end is a direct port of the Home Entertainment version, just with dulled down graphics and wireless multi player for the games three mini games, one which you will unlock later down the track. The game kicks off from the Prison scene in Dead Mans Chest (and Like EA Did with the LOTR Trilogy they practically cut out Sierras Attempt at Fellowship) Disney are doing it to Bethesda's Two Prequels by making a fresh new start... you get to play through the game as other characters apart from Jack Sparrow, you will be WIll Turner and Elizabeth... etc etc, the game features some mini games to through into the Mix like Pirate Dice and Pirate poker, they aren't all that good but at least it saves you from buying world poker tour ever again???
At World's end is likely to be the game that all sites will bag out, it doesn't have a great creative flair to it and will likely receive less than 70% on any game site, it is a shame because you can tell that Eurocom tried to make this the best Pirates game so far... and they did very well considering nobody quite digged Bethesda's prequels..
Try this game out, i really didn't think it was worth full price but it is a good and short game at least.