A basic combat system doesn't sink this game to Davey Jones' locker, it has plenty else to keep it well and truly afloat

User Rating: 7.8 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End X360
Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End is obviously based on the film of the same name. It also follows the events of the second film Dead Man's Chest. This game easily avoids the ocean depths, find out why by reading on you scurvy dog!

Gamplay: A bit on the simple side which is a bit disappointing but there is a variety of different gameplay types included which is great. There's obviously the combat which is pretty basic but at the same time you can string together some pretty cool combos. Playing as the different characters is great as well. There are some nice platforming sections reminiscent of Prince of Persia and there's also a cool dueling system. This is really cinematic and is really fun to do. There's also a multiplayer componetent which is also quite fun. Levels have around 4 objectives each and each one will last you around 30-45 minutes. However there are also other things to do in the levels so its not as linear as you may think as you can go off exploring as well. So the gameplay is a bit too basic in parts but still this game plays pretty well.

Graphics: These are some of the best graphics ever to be seen on the Xbox 360. They rival Gears of War which gives you an idea of how good they are! The environments are absolutely gorgeous. The game has a great lighting effect and the textures are incredible. The character models are some of the most realistic I've seen and the animations for all of them are sublime. How Gamespot can only give the graphics a 7 is beyind me.

Sound: The musical score is awesome in this game with some original stuff mixed in with authentic tracks from the film. The only downer is that the actors from the movies don't voice their characters but the stand ins do a pretty good job themselves.

Value: The story mode is apparently not that long but from what I've played there's incentive to go through the levels again to find all the collectibles. Plus the game is really fun so I wouldn't mind going through again anyway! Plus there's multiplayer which is pretty fun with a co-op mode where you and your pal fight and kill as many enemies as you can and another one is the duel mode.

Overall this is a realy, really fun game that captures the look and feel of the films perfectly. If you're a fan of the movies or just want a simple and fun game to play then you should at least rent it and maybe even pick it up for yourself.