If you like the movie series, this is a must rental for you. It may even be worth buying

User Rating: 7.9 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End PS3
As far as graphics are concerned this game is sick in the visual department. Details on there faces and clothes and the backgrounds, its just nuts. The game never skips at all in frame rate, maybe some choppy animations here and there but nothing bothersome in anyway.

The gameplay is the fun yet boring. If only the system had more things you could do, it would have been great. Your left with a punch, sword slash, L2 for focuse, a throwing button. Its very NES days plain. Yet, fun if you can get into it. Every now and then it offers sideway fighting scene moments that have 3 balls: high, med, low that u point ur analoge too. These battles can be easy, while some can require your focus. Every now and then you have to switch around 3 character. This is more or less baby sitting. Its such a bother to worrie about all 3 of there health bars. It also carries some button tap moments like hit X here or something. But its never random.

Sound is perfect, enough said it has all the songs from the movie.

Value well, beat it one or two times and ur done. Does have a sorta shallow multiplayer though pick a character and fight a friend.