At Worlds End is the best Pirates of the Caribbean game to be released, but Improvements still needed to be made.

User Rating: 7 | Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End X360
Pirates of the Caribbean is definitely the best Pirates of the Caribbean game to be released, although there are a few areas that needed Improvement.

what works:

The game looks incredible. character models, environments, and the backdrops all are incredibly detailed. its actually shocking to see this much visual detail in a licensed game. I liked the Duel based Boss Battles and the Platforming segments are mostly good. What Doesn't Work:

The general Combat is bland and repetitive. The objectives lack a general direction of what you need to do, The compass does not do a very good job of telling you where to go. The main game is very short, and worst of all is the A.I. controlled characters that you need to protect is so horrible that unless you switch between characters rapidly, they get killed and you have to try again from a checkpoint. The 3 characters at once moments in the game really kill the experience because they are so bad at protecting themselves that it makes those parts more of a chore than an enjoyable experience.

Despite it's flaws Pirates of the Caribbean fans will enjoy the game while it lasts and action adventure fans will get some limited play out of it. A rental at best.