Although the gameplay remains unchanged from the current-gen versions, Cars holds together to make a real fun game =)
Fully characterised car models :: Achievements add more meaning to winning a race and not just being in the top 3 :: Lot's of content :: Tractor tipping is the newest craze.
Pretty easy even on the hardest setting.
Cars goes well when accompanied with the movie, for a rental or to own. The games achievements are pretty easy to earn but will require a bit of time (especially the Post Card achievement). Cars follows the story of the film, you are Lightning McQueen, and must win the Piston Cup, like his trainer, Doc Hudson, had done many years ago. But McQueen's rival, Chick, is determined and is willing to do what it takes to win.
The gameplay in Cars is basically all revolved around racing, except for mini-games like Tractor Tipping. In between each major race, you will have to take part in numerous events to gain trophy points in order to initiate the next race. Each major race takes part in a speed way with 12 laps and about 24 competitors, in the middle of which you will have to take part in a pit-stop mini-game.
Cars is ripe the personality and will prove a worthy rental/ownership along woth the film. It's only flaws are perhaps it's difficulty, it is oft too easy, and some performance glitches may pop up, but nothing to ruin the gameplay totally. NOTE: This was indeed a review written by Maxinshoes late last year. Maxinshoes is my old profile, and just now I decided to transfer this review.