Re-Review: Despite it's list of glitches, and it's short length, it can provide some fun to be had.
Gameplay: The Gameplay, surpisingly for a Movie game, is actually fun and solid. Some of the features it includes are pretty nifty, and it's not too bad to explore the environments. However, It could've had improvements due to one huge issue: GLITCHES. Take for example, your traveling at 180 MPH (The Max Speed for the game.) and then, on the first corner of Willy's Butte, You get through it, and then your stuck through it! It happened to me, and only way out, was to end Career mode. Yikes. I'm not fond of all the Minigames and Challenges too, they aren't that interesting to be honest. Also, I found the game to be rather short. I hugely dislike when games are short. However, since this had features to redeem itself, it's still worth playing.
Graphics: The graphics look clean and not disappointing to the eye. The main Cars, look great, the background is done well, and most other addons do look pretty.
Sound: Done very well here. The cars sound fine enough, the Music is decent, and the Voicework stays true like the move it'self. Don't have much else to say here.
Overall: I wouldn't say that the older audience would find much to have out of this. However, younger ones might find plenty to enjoy out of this game, despite the few issues it suffers.
Overall Score: 7.0