Rise of the Underminer is the next sequel of the Incredibles movie, this time fighting the Underminer.
It hasn't been long time the family of the Incredibles has beaten Syndrome, a mad inventor who tried to become a super-hero. The new enemy is the Underminer, avillain who comes from underground to destroy Metroville. So, Mr.Incredible and his friend Frozone go underground to find the Underminer and put an end to his plans of conquering the world.
The game is indeed a bit difficult to beat, especially for the children playing the game, and some keys are not correctly places. But they can configure. What's the real problem with the game, is that you can play with both characters, while they are scheduled to do different things in the game, except of course beating bad guys.
This freedom to choose a character(and of course be able to switch whenever you want) is good. But in some levels you may not have time to switch(especially when facing bosses), and the AI seems to be idle sometimes. So it becomes annoying sometimes.
Of course it turns out to be amazing when you play with a friend. Then, you can build co-operation and when you organize a strategy, it is way too easier to go through many levels.
Another good feature of the game is that you can upgrade your powers and strengths, if you reach the top of your game in the previous level.
The graphics and sound are better comparing with the previous game, but they still need core enhancements to touch perfection.
The game is a good adventure for the younger, but for the rest of us, it is another game which failed to impress.