kinda funny

User Rating: 7.5 | Disney/Pixar The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer PS2
it's funny when they are being hit by the lasers...and most of all their punches(their last one) Mr. Incredible is like playing Volleyball and Frozone is like doing the dance (Chuvachoochoo) lol....

it's short and easy to finish.. but it's a great multiplayer..really

but i really wish that you could use the rest of the family( Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, Jackjack) but it's kinda worth playing..

i really consider that The Incredible is better than this one 'coz in The Incredibles, you can use the whole Family but except Frozone..i love the power of, you can experience the Togetherness and the teamwork of the two Superheroes...