It's not too often a game based on a movie is actually FUN.
User Rating: 9 | Disney/Pixar The Incredibles GC
It's safe to say that not a lot of games based on movies are really that good, but most others have been straight-to-trashers. The Incredibles is the game based on the 2004 Disney/Pixar computer animated flick by the same name. The whole gyst is that you battle through these stages based on the movie's storyline, you play as Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Dash, or Violet. (and in one level, Dash AND Violet [Dash controls Violet's force field and they can ram into people!] awesome!) It's a good combination of platforming and action. It may seem really flashy and lame, but it sort of grows on you. The Incredibles isn't just another one of those straight-to-trash games based on movies, it's another one of the games based on movies that people will actually LIKE. Okay, you may not like it, but I LOVE it! This game is a gem.
Of course, that's what I say about all the games that no one plays. :P