You would be suprised that this is quite a good game.
After playing this game again, I realized that it is actually a fun game.
The gameplay is a lot like Mario 64. If you like that style, you would like this game. You go to different levels, and in each one you have various "missions" that you need to complete in order to recieve "tokens," which you need to proceed. There are also various power ups you can use (after unlocking them) to help you complete certain missions. There are enemies and bosses thrown in the levels, most of which are easy to defeat.
The game isn't that difficult. Even an average player would be able to beat this without a problem.
The graphics are decent, but if you ask me, graphics make no difference in any game. I won't go on ranting about that, but the graphics in the game will not hold you back.
So, if you find this game lying around at a store somewhere, don't pay anything over $5 for it. However, if you can manage to get one for free, it is worth a play.