Disney enthusiasts need apply
User Rating: 7.5 | Disney Sing It PS3
If you dont like disney you wont like this game simple as if you want mainstream buy singstar or wait for pop hits.I personally like a bit of disney since my sister got me into it so i could enjoy this game when my sister got it for christmas.It has the likes of miley cyrus,aly and aj,camp rock and a cameo from billy ray cyrus.Once again only buy if YOU LIKE DISNEY or else you will be annoyed by having to sing the best of both worlds.I urge you if you like hannah montana or camp rock buy it if its high school musical buy that version and if you like neither get singstar or pop hits.it is quite a good effort by disney but i will need to be improved upon in pop hits to appeal to a wider audience and hopefully it will.if you are in your teens you might like this but if your a parent your kid will absouloutly love this game.