If you loved the movie you will like the game...not love though.

User Rating: 7 | Disney*Pixar WALL-E X360
I really loved the movie so renting this game was a no-brainer. I passed it in about 4-5 hours with very little difficulty. There were a couple of parts in the game that were a bit frustrating to get passed, but overall it was pretty easy.

There are special items that unlock multi-player levels and the achievements are all reasonable - not too difficult but not too easy to get.

I did not get to play with anyone the multi-player games so I have nothing to say about that feature in the game.

The controls work well and the graphics are good but nothing to get happy about.

The cut scenes between levels, and within parts in levels, were a nice part of the game - they made we more excited to get the DVD as soon as it is released.

If you have kids that loved the movie they will enjoy this game, just know you will have to help them to pass a couple parts. My recommendation is that you wait until it is on the bargain bin somewhere (I got Meet the Robinsons for $8 at ToysRUs recently) then it will be worth every penny. But don't buy it for more than $30.