A Really Good Disney Game!
User Rating: 9.5 | Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure GC
I really like this game. The soundtrack is really good and surprsling all songs aren't exactly kids songs. The rock songs and I belevie there was a hard rock song. The trick systme is really good and it was cool how you can create a charcter. That or you cna use the Skate crew which were kids who beta tested the game and helped create it in a contest. There are alot of goals and it has a decent amount of gamplay time. The only thing I didn't really like about this game was that there could be more. The Create a charcter ssytem could have been more detail and have more choices. A shockingly good disney game. I underestimated this game. I also loved how you visited different Disney films, which added more quests/missions, items to collect for your character, and new characters to play as. Great game