Boring game
User Rating: 1 | Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure PS2
The game was boring. Some of the goals were really hard to complete. Some goals actually gave me a head ache. When you continue playing this, you will get bored since all you do there is just skating and completeing missions. Well, there are also other things to do like two player, king of the hill. But still it involves skating and no more. There are also cheat codes that can help you finish the game and that's the only thing I like. You can unlock videos by doing goals which is sometimes hard. You can unlock the mini movies of Lion King, Toy story, Tarzan and many more. You can also unlock characters from the game. You can unlock Jane, Terk [all from Tarzan], you can also unlock skaters from Toy Story like Zurg, skaters from Lion King like Raffiki[is it incorrect about the spelling?] But still the game is boring.