hercules and olympe gods
hercules game made with the animation of it together in 1997.
disney work on the game so hard.
i will take a short look at the game and say baisic and important things.
all about the game:
game continue the animations story which is start by spreating of hercules from his father zeus and now he must find his way back to olamype mountain to find his father.
first missions of hercules is like in the animations. he needs to study some war ability and in the game you will see this missions too.
game is an action platformer and got famuse so fast because of graphice colors and quality and gameplay.
game had 10 missions and in easy difficulty you cant end the game, it was possible only on normal and hard difficulty.
game also had some others missions and in that missions the game camera cames to 3th persion and hercules walk automaticly and you have to control him and jump from object and if you can get the hercules name words { this part is very difficult }.
graphice is very nice and disney used all the colors which you can find them in animation too. and now when you see the game, will like it too.
last word:
game was released for ps1 and then for pc.
if you like platformer games, you will like hercules game too.