Never-ending kid-friendly phenomena!
The cogs have turned into business-like drones who threaten the care-free, playful atmosphere of the toons. Since they are so business-like, they can't take a joke, and guess what the toons have tons of?: gags! The objective of the game is to use these gags to destroy the cogs. As for the toons, they have a Laff Meter. The cogs will attempt to use business tricks to decrease the toons' happiness level or Laff Meter, and when it reaches zero, you become sad and go back to your playground, the hub of operations. It seems very simple, but actually it is really fun. You can keep on playing for as long as you want,(assuming you pay the fee) and try to level up your gags. There are seven gag tracks to choose from, including toon-up(feathers and jokes to cheer your fellow toons up in battle), trap(trapdoors and TNT which the cogs can be lured into), lure(hypnotic goggles and money to lure the cogs into traps and have them enter a vulnerable, trance-like state.) sound(bugles and fog horns to startle all cogs present in battle), throw(pies to splat the cogs with), squirt(squirting flowers and fire hydrants to wet the cogs), and drop(anvils and grand pianos to drop on the cogs).Like I said before, you can keep battling the cogs to gain experience for new gags, and to save Toontown! There are basic toontasks for you to complete also for new upgrades such as being able to carry more gags or being able to hold more Laff points. The bottom line is, GET OUT AND PLAY THIS GAME!!!