Definitely not a game for just little kids- this game is far better than several online multiplayers in many ways.
The Good:
+ There is not much to train- When I say this, I mean in a way that gets annoying, kind of like Runescape, where it is actually overwhelming because there is SO MUCH you have to raise. There are several things to train in the game, such as gags and the HQ disguises, and the latter has not gotten boring all the times I've played in the HQs.
+ Replay value! You don't really get to a point when you are "done" with it. There's plenty to do- racing, fishing, golf, HQ Bosses, hanging with friends.
+The graphics are not "Wow that's so real looking" obviously, and that's what makes it great. It is free roaming, and Toontown is constantly at work adding new things so the map is expanding.
+ This game is relaxing if you're feeling stressed out or bored. Repetitive? Yes, what game isnt when you keep playing it? The thing with TT, however, is nothing really gets old. Friends also keep it fresh and interesting.
The Bad:
- Like any game, playing it non stop makes the experience more boring and dull.
- Kind of can be addictive, so you have to watch how long you're on or else a headache most likely ensues.
- If you don't have many friends, it can definitely not be as fun because everything is toned down a notch.
- Sometimes it can feel boring because there is not a GIGANTIC amount of stuff to do, but with me, for instance, I have fun just talking with people or doing an HQ battle- these things don't get old for me easily.
What should be changed:
1. If anything, really just what they're already doing- expanding the areas you can go, upping the difficulty, creating new games/activities.