"Speed Chat? That's a great idea, Have a promotion!"
A while ago I decided to try a game called ToonTown due to the amount of adverts it was getting on mainstream TV in 2005. The game looked horrible but it'd give a way to past the time. Right?
Wrong. The game was horrible in every way, poorly textured, poorly modelled and worst of all: poorly coded.
Toontown is quite a good idea for a game, for 2000 that is. It'd be acceptable if it was free, than I would be able to say that Disney aren't making users pay for this. But they are, and this 'toontastic' game features such advancements as 'speed chatting':
Let the game chat for you, screw actual text, Predetermined dialogue is the future. Get with the times.
Oh and it has some poorly coded minigames too, if you're interested in this you might as well just pick up Free Worlds, the game looks at least more promising than this piece of crap.
I don't know what else to say, the fact that users are paying for this is abysmal and I'd be ashamed to be associated with this game.