An MMO from Disney? This should be pretty interesting.
Anyone Play Toontown?
Interested I clicked and some of the replies were:
No it's for five year olds,
You must be a baby to like it
The one of them said: Don't worry. They don't know true gaming ;)
By now I was just baffled and punched in the address bar: and up came some animals with water and pies. I thought it was Goofy and Donald Duck having a water fight and was not impressed. I was hoping the game might redeemed my hope on this, and let me tell you it did.
So I signed up and downloaded the game onto my computer. And it started with me creating my toon. I went for a yellow dog with a blue shirt and green shorts then I went straight into gameplay and I was like:
Well I was being pretty sarcastic. I was in the Toontorial where you get the basic plot and instructions to the game. So Tutorial Tom gave me my laff meter and a Throw And Squirt attack. A Cupcake And A Squirting Flower ( First I thought the cupcake was a basic pie but then realised it was a cupcake ) and then he told me about the cogs trying to take over Toontown. Then a Cog was outside his shop. The cog was a basic Level 1 Flunky Bossbot.
Now when I got into combat with this fiend it was pretty easy. Then after that I got introduced to Clarrabelle and the Trolley, and I was done with the Toontorial.
Then after a while I saw a yellow (Subscribe) Button. What is this Youtube? Then I got the idea. I was playing: FREE TRIAL. I suddenly realised some places and things were off limit and only available to member but I was still pleased with the game.
The game has toontasks. In which you do challenges for laff boosts, jellybeans, clothing tickets, sizes and Gag Training Film. At the end when I finished all the toontaks in Toontown Central I had 27 laff and the game was done for me, but I refused and played on discovering more cogs and more off limit places, but atleast you can explore all of the map including Cog Hqs
The Game can be told that it is for children but I reckon anyone can play it. Hell I have a friend in high school that enjoys playing this.
Graphics: 7.5/10 They were cartoony and I guess that's what Disney was going for.
Gameplay: 9/10 When your member Gameplay will expand alot to you.
Difficulty: Quite Easy and Medium
Overall: 8/10 The Free Trial could have had more but I enjoy this game.