This could have been so good....but...
The first game I ever programmed was lightcycles. It ran on a monochromatic screen and when the light was turned off in the room, the green phosphorous sheen from the 12" screen was not entirely unlike the sheen that seemed to surround everything in Tron. So what if the cycle was a square? Imagination can take one very far indeed.
We have come a long way since the early 80's. 28 years later, we get Tron part II, and new games based on it. Does the 28 years show? Is the game that good? The answer is, unfortunately; No.
A few years back, a game came out of nowhere. Tron 2.0 it was called, and boy did it stoke the imagination! It was, for an old fart like me, a grand effort to capture the feeling of the Tron world and it's inhabitants. Sure, it got some bad reviews, but the crowd loved it. This new game tries to be Tron 2.0 it seems, but with added twists, like a whole bunch of Combos a guy like me have no chance to memorize due to not having been raised with a gamepad in hand. Now it is all about Combos, both for fighting and for movement. They actually had the nerve to combine a shootemup with a freerunning game! Oh, sure, you can drive both tanks and lightcycles but... it is not fun. They took the fun out of Tron... That makes me so sad.
Tron 2.0 is, despite the age difference, a far superior game. In fact, after a few hours of this, I reinstalled it just to compare the games, and on each single point, the old game beats the new.
So, if you want a game based on the Tron world, you really need to dig out a copy of Tron 2.0. This new thing is just trying to be too much, and does not succeed on anything.