Good game gets shafted by reviewers, and the core for minor flaws......
Graphics: The developers captured the look of the movie perfectly with this game. the lights are great, and the effects reenforce the Idea that ur not in the human world when U play this game.
Sound: The sound takes from the movie, and the first film to help bridge the gap between the two, music is good and solid, sound effects for ingame weapons, and gear match the movies perfectly while adding a bit of new flare to the mix. VOs are well done and done feel forced by the cast and for a movie tie in thats a common problem.
SP gameplay:
While the core gameplay is intact in the MP, and alot of fun online, the SP gameplay while it preps U for the MP well dose fall short with 3 annoyingly hard jump puzzles, and 2 boss fights that are not fully explained mid combat.
There is also the fact that the tutorial messages in the first level are mandatory and cannot even after 2 play throughs be turned off.
Other then that most of the other stuff works out well, and the combat when it happens is great and fun. The SP also suffers from some rather on rails LightCycle controlls where u have vary limited controll over the vehicle while in the MP it's much easyer to drive, and controll. This should of been fixed out the door.
MP: The MP is where this game shines the game grids U play on are diverse and fun to play with friends, and other players, because the world of tron is based in gameing the developers worked extra hard to make sure the MP game is fun and easy to get into, the only gripe I can find is that there is no rank based matchmaking. This would of helped the game alot too keep the MP going and allow new players a chance online.
Over all it feels like a mixed bag, some parts are great: IE the MP upgrades, the graphics/sound, as well as the vehicles, and combat work out great, jump puzzles are annoying and way to long, SP lightCycle runs should of allowed more controll for the player, and they could of found a way to keep the help markers going through out the game instead of just the first level.
All in all it has it's fun points, and low points but an epic fail? Fare from it....... Also the MP is not as bad as they make it out too be infact it's the most fun MP in a long time.