A sucky game with tons of glitches and very repetitive combat in which the button combinations needed not always work...
User Rating: 2.5 | Disney's TRON: Evolution PS3
The game is honestly bad... The story is good but the combat system is repetitive and glitchy... Game froze on me 2 times and the 2 times I got stuck on an scene, the first time with a black screen the second time with the scene beginning but never continuing or ending... The button combination combat system makes the game extremely easy as some powerful attacks for the most difficult enemies are also applicable to the easier enemies... button combinations not always work right and the camera system is simply horrendous... it is extremely hard to keep the camera centered to the right direction while running and very easy because of it to miss things that are needed to use in order to progress through jumps... The story is good but some of it seems a bit rushed and also a bit cheap, since the story is almost like the movie with the only addition of the yellow virus infected guys... Other than that everything seems to be taken from the movie... I have to learn my lesson and not buy movie games cause apparently they cannot make them good enough...