It's Amazing fighting game, outstanding soundtrack, and keep you playing it.

User Rating: 9 | Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy PSP
The good: New characters, fun to play with an friend, cut scenes, graphic,
outstanding soundtracks, awesome art title.

The bad: the story on backward on first Dissidia, loaded time, Camera some problem on sided spaces, the title 012 called it DISSIDIA 2.

I never play Final Fantasy games(l-Xll) since I'll got my first Final Fantasy game (Xlll), I love the characters and the music, that all had to say.
I'll own Dissidia it very good but very mix up the story.
The new Dissidia had new mode like battle mode up to 5 player to face 5 CPU, the Labyrinth to go room to room up 99-floor wow that lot work to get it done.

The story: is too short its all about send six new Heroes too stop chaos and too defeat the manikins from war, The problem is what happening too six warriors at the end, god that make me sad, they need make better story than that.

The characters: I'll give it my 5 favorite characters in the game:

1.Lightning: Paradigm Commando, Ravager, and Medic.
She fast and very good HP attacks (Razor Gale, Lightning Strike, Flourish of Steel and Thunderfall).

2.Golbez: very powerful magic.
HP attacks (Cosmic Ray, Nightglow, Genesis Rock)

3.Sephiroth: long sword and strong HP attacks.

4.Onion Knight: very speedy attack upon opponents.
HP attacks (Wind Shear, Blade Torrent, Swordshower)

5.Zidane: midair combat.
HP attacks (Stellar Circle 5, Meo Twister, Free Energy, Shift Break, and Grand Lethal).

The other characters I'll like use some time Kuja,Cloud,Tidus,Yuna,Kain,Furion, Gabranth, and other I don't mind it's your choice your favorite characters.

The sound: the voice acting very good some replacing voice like Gabranth and some other's.

The soundtrack by from artists Takeharu Ishimoto, Square Enix and Nobuo Uematsu and other's did outstanding job and I'll love it good job.

Overall it very outstanding gameplay and stage's very nice well done some from the first and some are new stage and camera had problems like too close too character on wall too wall I hated it that happens.

All had too say keep on play it.