Final Fantasy Dissidia is definately in the top 10 best PSP games, with it's greatly improved graphics/fun gameplay.....

User Rating: 8 | Dissidia: Final Fantasy PSP
Dissidia: Final Fantasy

After watching various trailers and hearing the Square Enix was going to make a fighting game, i'm sure a lot more people besides me were thinking this game was going to bloooow. But suprisingly enough, this game is pretty good. Square Enix definately nailed it, giving each character their own small seperate storyline equipped with cutscenes and their own bosses. The gameplay is definately quite fun, each character has their own set of abilities that either do damage or hurt their opponent's "brave". Thats gay lol. But yeah anyway, graphics are definately the best ever seen on PSP, similar to that of Final Fantasy VII:Crisis Core. Everything sounds great, looks great, feeeeeels great, and it's a really fun game, especially for those who enjoy Final Fantasy. It's like Kingdom Hearts and a Final Fantasy game had a baby, and then made out with Super Smash Bros.

I'm ouuuuuuuuttt