Diablo with a story! Throw in some fun voice-acting(not bad),great character customization,and a fun world to explore.
This game surprised me because I didn't expect the voice acting or half the story that it presented to me. I expected a diablo clone with no depth(Sacred), alas I was roped in very easily. The great thing about this game is that it doesn't take itself that seriously. The story is there and is a nice fantasy tale(and is serious), but there's plenty of humor that just keeps you from being bored at killing constantly.
The character creation is really cool, as it allows you to play as three very common classes--warrior,wizard,rogue. However, nothing is set in stone at this time but your base stats and a special move or two. Once you pick a character, regardless of the class--you'll be able to level any skill in all of the character's trees.
My one complaint, which made me put it down for good--is the sometimes insane difficulty it puts on you if you're a specific character. There's one boss in the game that was practically impossible for me to kill because I didn't level certain skills. So I leveled them and took care of her. At the end of the game you are forced to fight all the major bosses over again, but now they're stronger than before, and once again come with some power that doesn't even allow me to see them unless I've leveled the ability to see invisible creatures(which is useless in the rest of the game). So I'm stuck and my character is nowhere near a level up anytime soon. A second play-through I wouldn't make this mistake, but it shouldn't be there in the first place. You're supposed to be able to make your character however you feel, and still be able to beat the game.
Overall, the game is tight and really fun. It doesn't try anything that it can't do. Everything is pulled off very well and I recommend this classic to anyone wanting to revisit rpgs of this era.