This was a nice tide-me-over diversion between some bigger and better RPGs.
The graphics are sub-par, and the gameplay is derivative. It's an action RPG. Been there, done that. In many ways, it can't even get the tried and true right. The movement feels block and awkward at time. The game feels like something I'd expect from a retro RPG. The character advancement was in the category of "so much to do, but none of it really changes my play style from just whacking things with my biggest sword" kind of play. It was hard to get excited about making this character my own.
The score wasn't too horrible at times though. The story wasn't very good, but the world offered lots to do and places to go. It wasn't HUGE by any means, and there were a few places that felt a little unfinished quest wise, but it was a fun romp. I did enjoy wandering this world and seeing what it had to offer, for what it was worth.
Overall, this was a nice tide-me-over diversion between some bigger and better RPG's.