A good looking game with an interesting concept, but poorly designed and boring gameplay make it a chore to bother with.

User Rating: 6 | Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga PC
I saw the reviews for this game and stayed clear of it when it came out. They spoke of frustrating bugs and a lack of polish. The version I bought was apparently "remastered" which I thought might mean that the bugs would be polished out of the mix.

Unfortunately, they were not. Over a year after release and I'm still getting stuck in terrain (particularly in dungeons and buildings) on a semi-regular basis and while the settings and landscapes look beautiful, character animations and combat just look awkward.

I don't really know how to peg down how I feel but everything about this game seems a little rushed and sloppy. The combat and gameplay are really where things seem to break down for me. This is pure hack and slash and while I have enjoyed games like that (Dungeon Siege, Diablo and Heavenly Sword come to mind) this one just plays really ugly.

When you get into combat it's hard to really feel like you're doing much of anything. You just swing your sword around and enemies die but it just seems sooooo shallow. You can't block, your enemies swing SO slowly you can always jump in, whack it, and jump out before he does anything. The only time you ever get into any real trouble is when you're surrounded by tons of enemies from all sides. Hack and slash doesn't have to necessarily be deep to be fun, but this game's combat isn't compelling at all. It's mind numbing.

There are a LOT of better RPG's out there and I wouldn't give this one a look unless you've played everything else a 100 times.