worthy oblivion alternative. great mix of action, addicitve questing and enjoyable humour.
It doesnt take long to understand how to play TDKS, after an hours play everything is second nature.Search every nook and cranny, and talk to everyone to reveal an almost endless supply of varied quests.
there are three classes to specialise in but youre not tied down to a specific choice, you are free to modify your character as you progress. i initially favoured magic, but after realising how powerful the ranger was i concentrated my upgrades on the ranger skills instead. the gameplay changes throughout to keep things fresh, where the game might of started to get repetitive it then takes on a new twist. after several hours youll find the battle tower and then be able to turn into a dragon. this opens up a new way to explore and fight.
unlike a lot of RPGs there is a lighter side to the story. there are plenty of humorous moments and jokes to lighten the mood.
i found myself always wanting to play for five minutes more just to find one more piece of loot or level up.
while the game does autosave on occassion, it doesnt save at every location change. so its worth regularly saving the game manually.
i recommend this to anyone needing an RPG fix after finishing oblivion or fallout 3.