Divinity 2 is a 10

User Rating: 10 | Divinity: Original Sin 2 (Early Access) PC

Personal opinion here. They nailed the game in every aspect from the story, the voices, the combat mechanics and spells to the best part the Game Master mode. Classic D&D style all around. Love the game. I am already building a campaign for my friends to test out.

I will admit to small gripes. One is we only have 5 playable races, but this is to be expected as this is the divinity series. The other is the Game master mode needs bigger maps and more monsters to really perfect the experience. Loading a new map all the time because you only have enough room for 1 scene per map is annoying. Still I give this game a 10/10 due to them having all the races playable in the Divinity universe and for including the Game Master feature in the first place.