This game really improved from DJ Hero but with the Tracklist focused mostly on Dance, too much was tried to be done....
I pop in the game and I felt like it was a great game but the mixes weren't there, Even the Replay vs. Rude Boy was garbage and the only fun part of the song was the commercial part.
The freestyling is a pain at such times because you really don't know what to freestyle because u don't really know whats gonna get played so u sorta have to have a pattern in your head and hope the sample or whatever is in tune. Scratching is a little weak except on the tutorial. Since I dj, i can't really get a good scratch in like if I WAS REALLY scratching my decks.
Too much was tried to be done in the mixes. It's like FSG went over board on these. also the calibration isn't as crisp as the one in DJ HERO.
I'll give the game more playing time but as of now, 7 out of 10.
DJ Hero on the other hand 8.3 out of 10.