This game is i think one of the most fun and best game for (psp and let me tell you im a huge psp fan hehehe)

User Rating: 8.5 | DJ Max Portable 2 PSP
Dj Max portable is a very fun game because you can choose the difficulties and they a number of songs to select from and various upgrades modes and characters to play with. This game is the best for the psp system why? because the WOW and IT factors just burst into your eyes right from the start. DJ max portable 2 is kind of like guitar hero but a bit less complex and a lot more song to choose from.

Dj max portable really revolutionizes the whole psp system because it highly addictive for everyone and i would put it in one of the best psp games ever. if you ever see this game i suggest you buy it cause its extremely fun to play alone or even on multi player. This game really makes the psp system great. This game will still be fun to you even if you beat it 100% because to play the game itself a tons and tons of fun