DJ Max Portable Black Square is a fun music game despite its difficulty
Good selections of songs
Great way to practice your fingers
Great for experts
Control issues can be frustrating especially when doing combos
Not recommended for beginners
Very unbalanced Club mode
Network battle is buggy and broken
Some songs could be annoying with its background or retries
DJ Max Portable is the next installment of the DJ Max Portable series. This game is only available in South Korea only and not other countries that is why not many people know the game except for people who use custom firmware and Koreans. This game starts up with a nice interface and got to say I quite like it. There are Link Disc, Data Mode, Club Tour, Network Battle, and Arcade Mode. But first the graphics - got to say nothing much only the bars coming down at you and it is so-so, not artistic, not much action, though not bad. Gameplay - The gameplay is addicting as much and 4 buttons is the easiest and funnest since the influence of Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, and more other music games with four buttons. Although 4 buttons is fun, 5 and above are challenging enough for experts who played this game before. And a new mode called 4BFX and 6BFX will be using the L+R shoulder also but it is a little easier than 6B. Sound is great with songs and so but there are some songs I would called mediocre but when you skip the green bar, the song stops but the beat goes on which I found original indeed and interesting. Besides it features Club Tour mode starts off really easy and you earn gold on your way throughout the game. Until you reach where you first challenge other DJs. The first one is easy but there is one so called "amateur" seemed to made 1000 combos on a song which is impossible without the combo multiplier but you must press X or R to activate it which is annoying since you must take your hands off the controls really fast to press X or R due to the PSP not having a accelerometer. Throughout you progress will be impossible to get 100% judgment and all combo unless you practice day by day, hour by hour. But for me, I am here to just check and play once. The game will be impossible for some with slow response on fingers while few will accomplish it such as I getting stuck on this song called Stop where I must get 800000 points to achieve. I beat every other DJ higher than that DJ rank but I can't seem to pass it. I've notice that my PSP failed to respond all of my controls which is the game's fault (My PSP always works but the game can't seem to handle three buttons at once all the time). The songs are extremely slow so I recommend you boost up the speed by 2.0x minimum and I mean really slow.
In conclusion I think you could try this game but for beginners - stick to the other DJ Max Portable games because they've just took out 2B mode and this game is probably only meant for experts only. Value is okay depending how well you play. Great value for experts, low value for beginners.
Gameplay: 6/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 9/10
Value: 7/10
Attractiveness: 7/10
Overall (not calculated): 6/10