Give me a break... I'm not a memory whiz. Again it will be interesting if I can write 100 words for this short review of my experiences with DmC: Devil May Cry and whether I can then give it a score of 5?
I was really getting into and enjoying the game and had finished a couple Missions when the different moves just started piling up on me and getting very confusing. During Mission 3 I finally forgot how to make a previous move I had just been using and now had to combine it with another move I thought I knew. It all fell down so I called it quits.
I don't need this kind of challenge. Imagine what all this move business will be like by Mission 20--pure hell for me. At least I'm now tracking these titles so I won't be buying any more of this series. I marvel at those who can master this sort of game. I think it really demonstrates the difference between ages--someone in their teens vs someone in their late sixties.