My honest opinion~ This one is Great.

User Rating: 9 | DmC: Devil May Cry PC
To me Dmc devilmaycry, The new decision for dantes style did disappoint but now i bought the game and played it through human, devil hunter and nephilim difficulty. Its a total blast! Dante personality have been adjusted but nevertheless to me its still the same dante from previous dmc series. The Gameplay is a whole much more fun. Angelic weapons and demonic weapons combine with the rebellion made combo strikes a hell lot of fun. Reviewers said that the boss battle are repetitive but it still does have a difference in each of its battle. Sometimes i do agree that dante keeps saying limbo~ Limbo~ the characters are great like kat or mundus. Vergil dont really suits my style though. I still prefer dmc3 vergil. Gonna play the campaign again with sos and dmd difficulty. Gotta try since i am so hyped over this game and i cant seem to stop. I recommend to people who are fans of the dmc series to buy this one cuz it is definitely worth it.