Really??? This is what Platform Gamers have been touting when they talk about DMC? All flash, no substance!
Well it's not buggy. Not horribly buggy that is.
It's also artistically very sweet and the graphics are what I'd expect from a AAA game. Great graphics. Great story. Decent Voice Acting. That's where my praise stops though. The game play...meh no. It's button mashing hand holding that makes you feel you've done something impressive when you just mashed some damn buttons and were given a charitable amount of time to do so.
It's all action and no though. Sure we've a "skill tree" so we can pretend we're accomplishing something as we grind through a level a second time for more advances.
The game-play though...that's what kills me. Is this indicative of all the DMC series is then I'm not impressed.
I wanted to be.